We offer two types of testing to the tri-state area (Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico) for your herd: owner sampler, test type 40, and DHIR official testing, test type 20. You or your tester complete the test day (record milk weights and collect samples) and ship them to our Stephenville, TX lab. We enter the data and analyze your samples. Results are then sent over to the DRPC to complete processing. From there the data is matched to the doe and then submitted to the CDCB.
3 Steps to Get You Started Testing
Step One
To become an owner/sampler tester or to certify a friend/neighbor. (If you were already certified, you will need to send us a copy of your current certificate.) You will need to follow these instructions to test your goats and become certified. There is no fee for the certification; however, a re-certification does need to be completed annually.
We will start you through the quick tester training for owner sampler or to register a tester for your area. Please email us here to request a copy of the training guide. Then you can click here for the certification test.
Step Two
You will need a scale to test with. The scale must be approved by the Quality Certification Services in order for your tests to be official. We have scales that we can sell you. They are $40, plus $8 to calibrate, plus a $5 flat accounting fee, plus shipping. Your scale will need to be calibrated each year. If you would like to purchase your own, you can take a look at the approved devices at this website.
Step Three
We send you a package with sample vials, paperwork, and scale/meters to begin testing your goats. Once you receive the package you can begin testing your does.
For official testing you will need to test your herd monthly including when you dry off your herd (which is called a dry test). You will continue to test monthly and send us your samples and paperwork listing if there are any changes (kiddings, dry dates, breed dates, etc.) You can have no less than 8 tests in one year but 10-12 is preferred.
Once a year you will need to complete a verification test required by the ADGA. This cannot be completed by your regular tester but can be completed by anyone who is not financially involved in your dairy.
Note: Our equipment is calibrated to the set standard of cow
Before your first test, you will receive these forms in your package. After your initial test, you will receive your forms in the mail from your records processing company; these are sent to you separate from the box the lab will ship back to you. The forms will show your doe data on them, ready to fill out for the next test.
Complete this test and email or mail to our office to get certified for official milk testing.
You can now pay your balance with a credit card!
You can pay your invoice or current balance with a credit card. Please be sure to enter the invoice number or your herdcode number so your payment can be properly applied.